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How to use TrimTube?

Search Video

There are multiple ways to search a video in the app.

  • Search with pasted YouTube Video URL or a YouTube Video ID to find the relevant YouTube video(s).
  • Visit page replacing ID with YouTube Video ID to find the relevant YouTube video(s). ex -

Trim Video

Click on Trim Video button on Video page and use the trim controls to input the Start and End times in Minutes and Seconds to Trim the video which will loop the video between this interval indefinitely.

Create Playlist

There are multiple ways to create a playlist in the app.

  • Search with pasted YouTube Playlist URL or a YouTube Playlist ID to find the relevant YouTube video(s).

    Create a playlist in the app using the Create Playlist button with an ability to edit the name of the created playlist later.

  • On Video page, create a playlist in the modal when saving a video to a playlist.

Playlist Controls

  • Repeat a video or the playlist.
  • Shuffle the playlist
  • Sort the playlist based on the Title or Date.
  • Fetch the remote YouTube playlist and merge any new videos with the local playlist.
    Note: this option is available only on the playlists that were created using the YouTube playlist URL or ID


Share a trimmed Video or a created Playlist in the app on multiple platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and WhatsApp.


You can simply Copy the URL to share on other platforms as well.